Administration of Estates

Navigating the Administration Process with Ease

Estate Administration

The administration of deceased estates and estate planning, requires specialised skills and insight, something we at Mayet & Associates take pride in. 

Our professionals are able to develop tailor-made solutions for our clients, guiding them in the light of their specific circumstances.

Our estate planning services – which may involve the formation of trusts or the drafting of new, tax-efficient, legally sound wills – give our clients the confidence and peace of mind in this important aspect of their personal planning.

We offer the following related to estate administration:


While you may not want to think about the possibility of your life ending, death is inevitable, and it would be wise to ensure that once your time on earth comes to an end your loved ones are still being taken care of.

By creating a last will and testament, and assigning the power of attorney over your estate to someone whom you can trust, the financial interest of your heirs are guaranteed to be protected.

We offer the following related to will and trust administration:

What Is A Last Will And Testament?

A last will and testament is a specialised document that a qualified attorney should prepare.

Anyone aged 16 and above can create a will and designate a power of attorney. This allows individuals to dictate how their estate should be distributed upon their death. If someone passes away without a valid will, the estate distribution follows the rules of intestate succession. Despite common misconceptions, assets do not automatically go to the state.

Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions across various legal areas. We specialise in estate planning, the administration of deceased estates, and the creation of last wills and testaments.

Dealing with the legal and financial ramifications of death is challenging for most people during such a sensitive time. It requires the assistance of a professional with practical knowledge and expertise in handling the winding up of deceased estates to navigate the process.

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